Archive by Author

Breastfeeding Journey, Part I

I could write a book on this one. Meaning, I went through emotional rollercoaster. And so did my body. To place you in my setting… During my first pregnancy, I was in graduate school. Meaning, I...

Mom’s early days – Germany

When do you leave hospital? If it was natural birth with no complications, on the third day after giving birth. I will add that even though I had my first child via C-section, I gave natural birth to ...

Make the most out of your kids’ TV watching

The fact that our kids are watching TV is pretty much inevitable in 21st century. I know it, you know it and we all know it. What if I told you that there is a mom who contemplated on how to make the ...

Mom’s early days – Spain

One of my best friends lives in Spain and she was the source for these questions. She lives in Valencia where she and her husband  welcomed a girl earlier this year. Enjoy! And ask away if you have a...

I wonder, I wonder – How’s it done elsewhere?

I have mentioned it before, but I will restate it again – I have 2 kids. My postpartum experiences were vastly different with the 2 of them (except for the first month; I was a depressed mess wh...

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